Monday, November 6, 2017

Comparison #27: Street Fighter and Mobile Suit Gundam Wing

Yang (Street Fighter III)
Trowa Barton (Mobile Suit Gundam Wing)
Trowa Barton (Mobile Suit Gundam Wing)
Trowa Barton (Mobile Suit Gundam Wing)

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Comparison #23: Atmosphere and Yu Yu Hakusho

Slug (Atmosphere)
Chū (Yu Yu Hakusho) (Alt Image)
Art may speak "volumes." What Atmosphere's cover artwork for You Can't Imagine How Much Fun We're Having speaks I'll leave up to you. Maybe an essays worth of words. Chū, from the manga Yu Yu Hakusho, is what one might call the/a "drunken master."